This case team is responsible for the processing of an already existing data and generates evidences based on national research priorities using rigorous scientific methods. Apparently, the case team performs this through research collaboration platforms with local and international agencies, and builds evidence synthesis and dissemination capacity in the country.

Burden of disease is the measurement of the gap between a population’s current health and the optimal state where all people attain full life expectancy without suffering major ill-health. With that regard, Disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is the major criterion to see the overall burden of disease in a specified setting.

NDMC’s projects are finite activities to undertake different health and health-related researches collaboratively with funding organizations which will produce observable and measurable results throughout the country.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic

Estimating and presenting the magnitude of the disease, disease severity and mortality differential across demographic groups.

Scenario based modeling to predict total cases, hospitalization, ICU requirements and deaths with a Hybrid Model.

Welcome to NDMC


The National Data Management Center for Health (NDMC), under the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), is responsible to archive health related data. Distinctively, the center shoulders the responsibility of processing and managing researches on community health. Besides, the center is known to apply robust data analytic techniques to apply synthesis evidence. That, on its part, has been an input to ensure evidence utilization for decision making by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and other relevant stakeholders at all levels. NDMC has collaborative partnership with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, and has established a unit studying and documenting burden of disease at a national level.

Case Teams of NDMC

Case Teams of NDMC

This case teams measures the national and sub-national burden of diseases, and tracks the progress and achievements of health in Ethiopia. The team applies methods and procedures used by the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) to provide possible estimates.

The role of this case team is to sort out sources of data with their respective data types. Hence, the task of the team is engaged with analyzing retrospective and prospective data types that the center requires to process

This case team establishes a database for retrospective and prospective data types on identified research areas. It works with the data analytics team to archive and store data with standard formats.

Evidence synthesis and translation is a team formed with the purpose of filtering, interpreting, adapting, contextualizing, disseminating and communicating evidences for the purpose of decision making.



Partners and collaborators