In terms of functionality the visualization platform to the least intends to deliver the following functions:
Presenting analyzed or estimated trends of national health for different diseases in an interactive manner, using various visualization tools such as maps, bar charts, tree maps etc. Comparing diseases and risk factors patterns and trends by various socio-economic, behavioral and biological factors. Providing information on how trends in national health have changed over periods of time and identify indicators forcing these changes. Drill down from a national representation into specific details for regions, zones and woredas for comprehensive view of the country’s health profile. Analyzing the observed trends of diseases, and then providing expected estimates of the future.
Examining and comparing various causes of death for national and regional, by applying advanced analytical methods and visualization mechanisms to provide profound representation and knowledge, to point out the leading causes of death.
SDG and HSTPII tracker is a subsystem which is designed for providing a means of visualizing progress achieved by our country to reach goals that have been indicated or planned in both SDG and HSTPII regarding health related indicators. In addition the platform provides information on the efforts and resources required to attain the health related goals within the indicated time.
Providing comprehensive information on methodologies used in the process of estimating mortality trends for national and regional. This platform also generates comparative information on how mortality level is affected by socio-economic, behavioral and biological factors. The modeling sub-system of this platform also provides a complete walk-through on what data have been used as input, how the estimation models have been developed, the selection criteria and their corresponding accuracy of the models
Infectious disease real-time analytics and modelling for rapid characterization, identification, estimation and projection of disease parameters. Estimating and presenting the magnitude of the disease, disease severity and mortality differential across demographic groups of infectious diseases have significant input for prevention and control plan, and response actions. For instance in case of Covid-19 this platform forecasts the possible number of cases, hospitalization and ICU requirements and deaths, by considering implemented set of intervention policies, social interaction characteristics, socio-economic and biological demography of our country.