Data Repository and Governance


Data Repository and Governance (DReG) is one of the core units at the National Data Management Center (NDMC). The unit is aimed at establishing a centralized system that continuously collects and archives all available health-related data/information to serve as a national repository of research data to ensure safe storage and open sharing in Ethiopia. Archiving data from different sources, guaranteeing the quality of the data, and safeguarding the confidentiality of the data are the major roles of the unit. Besides, the availability of data and stored data are crucial requirements for generating evidence, policy-making, and decision. This unit can be considered as a warehouse that protects the data from disaster. Moreover, the unit encourages the trend and implementation of the data sharing policy. In line with that, it functions in strengthening the national data sharing trend, data use, and making the data available for all in need. Above all, making the data secured and assuring the confidentiality of all archived data is another priority of the unit.


  • Mapping and archiving prospective and retrospective datasets at national and sub national level, and making them ready for sharing;
  • Developing metadata for archived data-sets for improving the visibility of the datasets for different purposes;
  • Cataloguing and indexing health and health-related data using standard systems;
  • Automating data systems, and regularly updating dashboards with data;
  • Making health data/information systems interoperable and interconnected with interoperability architecture within EPHI and across the region;
  • Building capacity and working on technology transfer among different data actors;
  • Archiving EPHI’s scientific publications in a web-based library.


  • For archiving health and health related datasets, more than 195
    organizations (government organizations, NGOs, public health
    institutes, agencies and associations) have been approached;
  • More than 500 datasets have been archived by the unit from
    different organizations;
  • 469 metadata have been produced from these archived datasets.
  • More than 2,000 research publications conducted by staff members
    of EPHI and published in different journals have been archived
    using Mendeley library.
  • Eight guidelines and supporting documents have been developed
    for supporting the activities of the unit;
  • 110 datasets have been shared for researchers and different
    organizations in Ethiopia and outside Ethiopia.
  • 11 regional data centers established and sign MOU to archive
    health and health related data and evidence generation
  • >100 old document digitized

Research Tracking Database System (RTDS)

Research tracking database system is a webpage that contains information about the archived datasets of the National Data Management Centre for Health. The research database is open for public, and everybody can easily access the information with -in the page ( The system comprises metadata with summary or description of each dataset. In that regard, the online data sharing platform is also in this page, and requesters can easily view the detailed information about a given dataset, and can apply to access it.


Sharing secondary data for policy research, policy making, planning and for any other purpose is the major goal of the National Data Management Centre and the Data Repository and Governance unit.

In practical senses, the task of data sharing is undertaken in two ways. First, the unit receives health and health related data from different directorates EPHI, NGOs, government organizations, associations and agencies. Second, the data is received by a highly secured system which provides the data session link and password. Data owners can easily put the large data without restriction to NDMC on the link and password provided. Second, unit shares all health and health related data to other parties based on their request.

Research Tracking Data Base System (RTDS)

 Currently, the unit shares data with a secured online platform. Data can be shared based on the data sharing guideline, and any requesters can submit his/her request from Research Tracking Data Base System (RTDS). Concerning formal requirements, data requesters are required to submit a copy of the official request letter and research ethical certificate (not always necessary) via online request platform.